

The Population Statistics Division produces many of the population estimates at all levels, such as at the level of administrative divisions in force by the (Ministry of Interior), sex, quintile and individual age, and by urban and rural areas. The number of population is considered as the (denominator) in calculating most of the indicators on social, economic, health, education aspects and other various areas.

Estimated population of 2024 and some of selected data.  (141 KB)
Population projections for individuals residing in the Kingdom for the period 2015-2050  (2.09 MB)
Estimated Population of the Kingdom by Governorate, Locality, Sex and Household, 2024.  (776 KB )
Estimated Population of the Kingdom by Municipality and Sex, at End-year 2024.  (2 MB)

The Population and Housing Censuses conducted by the Department of Statistics are the prime and accurate source of population data on size and geographic and administrative distribution. Populationcensuses are the basis for estimating the annual number of population for the periods between censuses. The exponential equations areusually used, where dynamics of the population are almost stable and there are no sources of lead to sudden population changes. In thiscase, the annual rate of population growth for the period between two consecutive censuses is almost constant and estimated with high level of precision.

Read more Methodology of Annual Population Estimation  (4.55 MB)

1- Number of Population:

The Division estimates the population from the main data source (i.e., the General Population and Housing Units Census) which is the main reference for these population estimates. The population growth rate is based on the results of the last census in 2015. Population estimates are calculated for the end of the following years , And the population growth rate is derived using the exponential equation.

2- Population Estimates:

The Division prepares the population estimates at the end of each year for inclusion in the” Statistical Yearbook” and “Jordan in Figures” statistical publications and various periodicals issued by the Department of Statistics , where the estimates are as follows:

  1. The Kingdom’s population estimates by sex at the end of each year.
  2. The estimates of population by governorate and sex.
  3. The estimates of population by governorate, urban and rural areas.
  4. The estimates of population by administrative divisions.
  5. The estimates of population by locality.
  6. The Kingdom’s population estimates by age groups, individual and quintile and sex.

3 – Population Projections:

The population projections are defined as the process of future population estimates for subsequent years to identify the expected size and composition of the population. The Division depends upon a software called (Spectrum) for making these projections. It is very essential to make available population projections based upon systematic analysis of the population trends for presenting it to the planners who will work on its basis concerning needs and available resources. The objective of projections is to identify the total future population increase on the basis of assumptions on fertility trends, mortality and immigration.

– Statistical Yearbook

– Jordan in Figures

Data Bank

Interactive Report 

Source : Department of Statistics

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